History: This 2009 Winnebago 170XL, purchased new from Paul Evert's RV (Fresno, CA), delivered on 12/30/09, has been a nightmare.

The salesperson was Julien Castillo, who assured that I was receiving a new vehicle that would be fully inspected and detailed before delivery to me.

The first problem: After being asked to ensure the dealership would not install any nameplates, markings, etc., a nameplate was attached to the sliding door. Julien advised that it could not be removed. I told Julien to cancel the transaction, because I wasn't interested in seeing a nameplate like that on a 60+K vehicle. Later, I was told the plate would be removed and was assured I would not be able to tell where it was, that the bodywork would be flawless, etc. Unfortunately, that proved not to be the case, as the repair is not only visible, but you can see the swirls and scratches on the sliding door, as well as bubbles in the paint on the left rear door, which also had a nameplate removed.

We'll skip for the moment that Julien knew there was no plate on the sliding door and that the person who installed it told him it was there before - I knew better, as I had looked at the photos of the unit on Paul Evert's RV Country website - which were promptly removed when there was a problem. That's okay, I have them in my file - and I give them credit for trying to fix the problem created by the stupidity of riveting into the door of a new $60K vehicle, as if it should be a billboard for the seller. Maybe on a Class A 30+ foot motorhome, but not on a 24' Sprinter!

The second problem: Upon arrival, I noticed a warning light illuminated in the dashboard. I asked what it was and Dennis (the person who drove it for delivery and who was to provide an orientation to the unit) didn't know, said he assumed it meant the lights were on - but it proved to be a warning indicating that a lamp was out. A new bulb was purchased, but that wasn't the problem - there is either a wiring fault or the rear lamp assembly has a problem, because the lower right fog lamp does not illuminate with fresh bulb purchased or when swapping out with another bulb which does illuminate in another receptacle.

The third problem: The house battery for the ERA was weak. I was told it was charged at the dealership and was fine. The ERA was just driven from Fresno, so it should have been fully charged even if it wasn't charged at the dealership. Testing at NAPA showed the battery to be failing. They refused to replace it under Winnebago warranty and charged a pro-rated amount based on manufacture date of the battery (not delivery date of the vehicle).

The generator: Had 9 hours on it - why, if it was new, was it run for 9 hours? Dennis said delivery people often run the generator while driving so they can have additional a/c from the overhead unit. I asked if he did that on the way from Fresno, and he said no. He guessed that they probably ran the generator at a show or at the dealership, nicely using almost 10 percent of the service (oil change) interval at the new owner's expense.

From there, the list of defects and problems grew (the unit was dirty, there no satellite radio operable, sliding door wouldn't release from inside to close, gravity water fill cap was off/wouldn't seat, the "woodgrain" appliques were peeling off, wires were exposed and coming through the grate, bed wouldn't retract to sofa position, etc.), with Dennis at one point suggesting he take the ERA back to Fresno, because he was appalled at the condition it was in when he tried to go through the delivery list/orientation. Unfortunately, that would mean canceling a trip and putting hundreds of miles on the vehicle.

If a picture is worth a thousand words ...let these speak to Winnebago's "craftsmanship," product line, and the attention to detail (or lack thereof) by manufacturer and/or dealer - because this is what I saw:

The ERA was delivered  in the condition seen in these pictures, with the exception of the brown fluid leaking from the refrigerator, which didn't appear until the next morning. Because the ERA was delivered in the afternoon while it was raining, picture-taking of some items was delayed.

This panel was hanging off at delivery.

Faux woodgrain - peeling up - does not conform to shape of dashboard. Same problem on passenger's side.

Refrigerator leaking some type of brown fluid.

Another view of the fluid before cleanup.

More fluid at the rear of the refrigerator.

Window aft of sliding door. Note insulation visible at left lower portion of window - the tint and materials used are curling and pulling away from the window.

See the buckling in the film behind the window - at left side and right side.

Buckling of film at right lower side of window.

Trim piece coming out at forward, lower end.

Open the sliding door and you can see the attachment piece for the trim piece, visibly not seated.

Also, the sliding door does not release to close from inside after it has been opened.

Kick plate matting material - falling down - either not attached or trimmed correctly.

Windows on driver's side are sagging, not flush with body like the other windows. In this picture, the window is fully closed. Note the gap.

Switch assembly for rear bed - popped out of its frame. Bed also would not retract.

Shade on left side is coming down - appears to not have been mounted correctly, and is damaged/creased..

Note the crease in the shade at lower left.

Delivered dented.

Passenger side trim - damage from chemical or wax?

Passenger side door - damage from chemical or wax?

Doesn't look "new."

More ...

More ...

More ...


Nice delivery? Oil stains on floor mat. Note: at the time this picture was taken, owner had never used the RV.

Note ridge of dirt on lip of mat leading from vinyl toward cab area. Apparently, no one cleaned it in for quite some time.

Note the grime/dust buildup under the window knob - customer was assured the unit would be delivered fully detailed.

Maybe no one bothered to open the window,. much less clean the dirt from around it.

This is the panel above the battery- note the cutout in the left corner, but the wood does not sit flush or drop into a ledge. It looks like the wood rail should have been installed, from the cutout point back, lower by at least the thickness of the plywood. As a result of this, the wood is loose and rattles.

Partial list of problems:

1. Battery: House battery did not work when ERA delivered. It had to be replaced and NAPA did not honor the warranty as stated in Winnebago manual, claming that warranty runs from date of delivery.

2. Refrigerator - gave errors and did not seem to operate correctly. Problem worsened as shown above.

3. Satellite Radio - not connected or tested (although owner was told it was tested). Upon inspection at another service center, owner was told the satellite system was probably never connected to the radio. If so, how could anyone at Paul Evert's ever have tested it?

4. Generator: cut off during use repeatedly - unit is at a service center now.

5.  Window vent screens: many were bent and not attached - appears glue was not holding screens in place. Some screens were bent.

6.  Vent windows: sagging on driver's side - with noticeable gap from body when closed.

Note windshield screens had to be lashed together but still fail at sides.

7.  Windshield shade screens: inoperable - when attempting to close, the adhesive at the outer edges fails and the paper screens move to center. Also, the screens do not close at center and stay using magnets - magnets appear to have been installed improperly.

8. Overhead a/c - heat unit - did not heat - it is in to be checked.

9. iPod connector cord: yellowed, sun-baked/damaged.

10. Window (blackout) shades: as pictured, the one behind the stove appears as if it is improperly mounted, it is creased and sags to the left side.

11. Kick plate mat: fell into body - either not cut or attached correctly.

12. Sliding door: does to release to close from inside.

13. Electric sofa/bed - does not retract from extended position.

Trim attachment piece not seated.

14. Trim panels - loose, falling off, etc.

Chemical/wax damage to door handle

15. Detail: RV was dirty, grimy and stained in parts; exterior trim piece was coming apart, apparent chemical damage to exterior, dent in left rear, paint scraped/missing on exterior shower cover door. Greasy fingerprints on headliner. Dirt throughout.


16. Tint/moulding/insulation behind window aft of sliding door - buckling, coming off, and showing white insulation (visible).

Window doesn't close flush, sags.

17. Windows not flush/sagging

Dent is on side but it looks like slight bend in bumper, too.

18. Dented


Resolution (or lack thereof, thus far)/communications:

Wrote to Julien Castillo on 12/30 and 12/31 outlining some of the problems. No response as to how to address the problems. Called Hank Dudley, Service Manager at Paul Evert's RV Country; he could not address the satellite radio problem, said he'd have to call Winnebago (which I told him was closed that day). I outlined some of the other problems and told him I didn't think the dash appliques were on the list Dennis made; during the call, he said Dennis arrived with the list and he would make sure that was added, along with the other things we discussed.

Attempted to call Winnebago on 12/31: Recorded message said they were closed.

Went to Mike Thompson RV Center (Winnebago authorized service center) on 12/31: First question was "Did you buy the unit here?" They thought the satellite radio unit was not connected, but could not remove the radio or do other involved work that day; they saw the brown fluid leaking from the fridge, said they would have to test it, call Winnebago, get authorization to repair under warranty, then likely wait a week to two weeks for parts, then repair/reinstall. The service manager saw the problems with the shades, the sagging vent windows (said they've seen that recently and the window will have to be redone) and other items. He scheduled a repair appointment for Monday, January 4, 2010.

1/4: Still nothing from Paul Evert's RV Country. When I called the salesperson and left a message on 12/31/09, my call was not returned until much later, when I started writing about the problems and inquiring if the salesperson was in the office that day (he was, I just didn't receive any prompt call back, or the kind of fast communications which were commonplace when they were trying to sell me the ERA. After I wrote to follow up, Julien Castillo assured me on 1/4/10 that he had talked with the GSM and the GSM would get back to him by the end of the day. At 5:30 p.m., I hadn't heard anything.

On 1/4, I wrote to Winnebago Industries customer service; letter was sent by fax.

On 1/4, I took the ERA to Mike Thompson RV Center twice; it sits there now.

1/5/10: Received a call from Jay at Winnebago. I returned his call in the afternoon and he assured me that the problems would be addressed. We discussed the timing and logistics, that certain parts will need to be procured and shipped, etc. Jay said Winnebago will start a file and ensure that these problems are recorded as warranty issues. Jay also said I could wait to have the window problem addressed, as that is major and will take quite some time to repair (they'll have to remove the lavatory, etc.). Jay confirmed for me that the warranty runs 'til 15,000 on the odometer, contrary to what was represented by Julien at Paul Evert's (who told me the warranty is 1 year or 15K from the date of delivery and the mileage at delivery). The only rubs were the issue with the sliding door, which they say could be a Dodge issue, and the rear lamp, which they also say could be a Dodge issue; only problem is, I never received any warranty info regarding the Dodge part of the ERA - that apparently should have been provided by Paul Evert's but was not and, now that the time period to check those things passed (Paul Evert's should have checked when they received the vehicle). I don't want to be "in the middle" and am not feeling good about the lack of documentation - but, so far, that remains a problem to be resolved through Paul Evert's.

Spoke with the folks at Mike Thompson's for an update and to make a plan for resolution. They told me they are trying to work with Jay at Winnebago to get parts authorization and to get parts ordered on an expedited basis, and that they can handle all the repairs, but they won't start the window until they are sure they have authorization for enough time to do the job correctly (have to wait on parts anyway).

Leonel told me they cleaned the fridge and it didn't leak anything and seemed to run properly. They thought someone had spilled something in there earlier (odd, since this was supposedly a new RV and I never used the fridge).

- The sliding door was taken apart. They found a broken cable, which they ordered. They said if I have to go to Dodge to get it fixed, they will at least give me the cable to take there.

- The fog lamp: oddly, there was no wire to the lower right lamp - not a bad bulb, not a bad circuit, but there was never a wire going to that lamp. So, the question is, HOW DID THAT PASS INSPECTION OR QC AT DODGE, WINNEBAGO, OR PAUL EVERT'S?

- The generator was checked and the air box was taken apart. They put it all back together, connected something that wasn't connected as it should have been (which was causing it to overheat), and made some adjustments. The generator ran for 3 hours with no overheat or shut down.

- They ordered a new front shade set; they said there are retainer clips missing and the unit wasn't installed correctly. In the meantime, they did something with the current screen, so maybe it will work.

- They were unable to get the satellite radio to function; they say they need time to make calls to the tech support dept. for Jensen, but it is likely that they'll need a new radio.

- Other repairs are deferred. I asked to pick up the ERA on Wednesday before closing so I could take it to Indio for the weekend. They had the door apart but said they can put it back together.


-Rec'd a msg. from Paul Evert's GSM; I called him back in the early afternoon but was relegated to voicemail. At 5:30 p.m., I still had not heard back from him.


1/6/10 - Called Leonel and picked up the Sprinter (which MT had at least done an exterior wash/rinse). Repair of the door was deferred, as was the window repair, the front screen, and other things for which parts were on order; satellite radio problem still not resolved but tech support thinks it may be the cable between the radio head and the antenna unit, or the connector, etc. I pointed out to Leonel the kickplate (rubber) which was falling down, that one of the woodgrain appliques (passenger side) was still coming up even after repair. I had MT loosen the seat mounting bolts with an impact wrench so I could start working on a plan for installation or placement of a crate; unfortunately, they do such a poor job of laying the floor covering that if you remove the plates, you see the shoddy looking cutouts, rather than 4 clean holes.

I found a piece of trim that should go on the wood which makes up the battery box; the support piece for the lid was never set below the level of the front as it should have been, so, when the trim didn't fit, it was just thrown in the battery box. The lid doesn't sit correctly because the box was built incorrectly.

    Note:  Refrigerator fix: ignitor wire was not set up correctly.

                Generator fix: air box had insulation loose and genset needed adjustment.

                Woodgrain appliques: bent with heat gun and super glued

                Switch for bed: hole not routed out properly; expanded and switch reset.

                Bed: taken apart, lubricated worm screw, reattached.

                Radio power: not wired correctly; connected to chassis line so power would not be lost (presets and clock would remain).

                Fog lamp: wire tapped into other side - they said there was no wire to the lamp on the right side.

                Shades: New set for front ordered; new pull-down shade for over stove ordered.

                Window: parts ordered for window behind slider

    Not addressed:     vent windows (not flush) on driver's side;  


    Deferred:   Satellite radio

                       Sliding door

                                                    I noticed a long scratch on the sliding door and called Leonel, left a message on his voicemail.

Still no return call from Paul Evert's GSM (left him a message yesterday midday).


January 7, 2010:  Add to the list today: Porch light inoperable; windows do not work on accessory setting (ignition), rear speaker/tv switch - should allow TV through rear speakers but does not operate correctly. Scratch visible alongside roof in corner - perhaps they backed into something at Paul Evert's and that's what caused that and the dent?

Shades failed again (front windshield)


January 8, 2010: Generator failed again. Parked at Wal-Mart to buy some supplies, left the generator running and the a/c on to keep the dogs cool (the whole reason for buying this piece of ....) and, despite the service last week, it failed in something less than the 45 minutes or less I was gone.

Water might be leaking under the gravity fill area; tried filling from the main hookup after buying a special "white hose" for potable water and something to block the front windshield from view (since the screens there are useless). No matter how the hose was attached, the connection at the fill leaked.

The bathroom smelled - which I found odd, since no one used it (at least not me or anyone since the vehicle was delivered "new."); deodorant added yesterday didn't seem to work, so I added water and ran the macerator pump to drain out the black water and the grey water holding tanks. Odd that the connection is of such a small diameter - so it can't be used with any standard waste fittings for RV hoses.

-Spoke with Leonel at Mike Thompson and he said he's pretty sure it is the fuel pump on the generator. He said to wait until some of the parts come in before bringing it back for service (I offered to have it dropped off Monday).

Still no return call from Paul Evert's.


January 10, 2010: Shades failed. Generator failed twice today. Bed didn't work until third try and manual assist when on battery only. Drained black and grey water tanks, added more water to each after first pump out and pumped again, then added deodorant. Left unit plugged into house AC.


January 18, 2010: Wrote to Julien Castillo by email - informing him that the dispute would escalate since the problems and condition of the vehicle have not been addressed


January 20, 2010: With still no word from Paul Evert's RV - I disputed certain charges with AmEx.


January 26, 2010: Called Mike Thompson (Leonel) to follow up on receipt of parts and potential scheduling for appointment. I received a message from Jeff at Paul Evert's (dated January 20, left on the business line while I was away), so I called him on his cell phone. We talked at length (he said he agreed with 85% or more of what I said regarding condition, how it shouldn't have left the lot, etc.). Jeff said it cost them $2K for the body repair for where the marquees where affixed; I told him about the problems with it, lack of blending, etc. the dents, etc. Jeff said they would make it right.

Prepped list of required repairs for Mike Thompson's - service appointment is for 8:30 a.m. tomorrow.


January 27, 2010: ERA taken back to Mike Thompson for repairs. Many of the repairs requested are for things supposedly repaired earlier, including the generator, refrigerator, etc.


Brown fluid leaking at back/from top of refrigerator (again).


Seems to be coming from behind cooling fins. Where is the shelf that goes there?


Fluid leaked out from refrigerator and trailed across floor when I opened the door.



Brown fluid from refrigerator - leaking from top inside of unit.


Screen behind driver's seat - fallen off..


Quality adhesive? Quality application?


Another trim panel falling off.


More trim coming off. Note the cut line for the plasti-veneer isn't even straight.


Panel fallen down behind stove.



Dent, scrape or problem near roof - from delivery date.


Wrote to Winnebago; copy to Jeff@rvcountry.com. Also called Leonel because porch light, which was on list for repair, did not transfer to worksheet at Mike Thompson (and because email addr. was wrong).


February 1, 2010: Tried to reach Jay at Winnebago. No luck today.

February 2, 2010: Called Winnebago again; Jay was out for training - they said he'd be back tomorrow. Left my numbers in the msg.

February 3, 2010: Called Winnebago again; was told Jay was out for training again. Left message with both numbers.

Called Mike Thompson - they said they still haven't received the front privacy screen from Winnebago (even though they had weeks and I was assured my parts order would be a priority), and that after talking with Sirius, Sirius said the cable that was installed (a communications cable) was never the correct cable and has to be replaced.

The generator ran - there is no fuel pump or adjustment like they thought, but they didn't use the generator like I did, just the generator and the a/c - so now they'll shift focus to the a/c, believing it may be "short-cycling" and causing the generator to shut down. So still no reliable generator - a/c setup to ensure the dogs are not at risk.

Freezer module - still leaking some kind of brown fluid ("we don't know what it is and don't want to find out"), so a new freezer module was ordered - again, this means no usable refrigerator/freezer for a trip.

City water hookup - connection ordered (not received)

Repairs: second repair of woodgrain dash appliques - assured that "this time they'll stick."

            - porch light fixed (didn't illuminate);

            - vent windows - the windows which were sagging were removed and reinstalled on shims (the window cut outs were too large);

            - backing material aft of sliding door replaced after taking out complete lavatory/shower module;

            - battery box enclosure: reset to lay cover flush and reinstall trim piece.

Note: rebate still not received from Winnebago. Wrote to JC for follow up.

February 3, 2010: Picked up ERA - two stains on carpet and some dirt on the headliner. The lav and cabinet aft of it was taken apart for the window repair - unfortunately, it did not fit back together - and the gaps were filled with some kind of caulk. Still no front privacy screen, despite being assured the parts would be sent as a priority. No city fill water - they didn't send it because (according to Leonel) Winnebago wanted to wait and send it with the freezer module.

Adjustment done one AC - but no assurance that would fix the generator/AC problem.

Porch light - said it was a bad build - they fixed it.

Kickplate - reinstalled - but is dirty and coming out at the bottom.


February 4, 2010: Drove the ERA to Fresno to Paul Evert's RV Country. Met with Julien Castillo and showed him the condition the unit was delivered in and the body issues; he agreed that it looked like some sort of chemical damage to the body panels, he saw the dent and problem at the roof, saw and agreed that the repairs done by the body shop where the Paul Evert's plates were mounted were terrible, visible, etc.

When I asked Julien what happened with the rebate, he came back and said that I stopped payment on the AmEx; I said regardless that rebate was to come from Winnebago and wanted to know if they interfered with it, etc. Julien said he would follow up on it. $50.88 for propane - mostly all used to run the generator to assess problems. The wonderful service continued - when I went out to get the propane, the lady who was to fill the tank said she did not want to get on the ground, that she might get dirty, so I had to get on the ground myself and attach their hose to the ERA. Nice.

February 5, 2010:  Received message from Jay at Winnebago, who said essentially that he was glad 90% of the problems were fixed.. Tried to call back but was on hold for over 10 mins., so I wrote a lengthy email outlining the problems and pointing out that, in my view, we were far from having 90% of the problems fixed. I noted that there was still no working generator/ac combo, and detailed a long list of continuing problems. Sent Jay pics and videos by email. Noticed black mold on fan in cabin; fan in lavatory is not sitting right in headliner/ceiling.


Aft panel following repair - filled with some kind of putty, edges don't meet.


Lavatory fan - doesn't line up after repair of window area.


Driver's side screen - with gap, because the screen doesn't fit.


Refrigerator panel fell out. Note AC circuit is tripped.


February 6, 2010: Fridge would not work on anything but 12 volt setting and, even then, was intermittent; control top panel fell off.

February 7, 2010: Generator failed on level ground with ac/heater running on heat. Restarted, failed after less than 2 mins. Tried with microwave as well, and that was a definite no. AC power failed; circuit breakers didn't pop, but I reset them and then the AC power worked. Fridge did not work on AU or gas setting. More brown fluid from freezer area.

February 9, 2010: Received a call from Jay at Winnebago; discussed the situation and I asked again that the vehicle be exchanged for a new one, as I do not feel safe in the ERA provided. Jay said the District Manager would have to see it, inspect it, that it's a lengthy process if I went that route as opposed to going in for another shot at repairing the items not working, etc. Jay said the District Manager would be in CA starting the 23rd of February.

February 10, 2010: Sent additional pictures to Jay at Winnebago; he confirmed he received and was able to open them.

February 11, 2010: Sent last repair documents to Jay at Winnebago. Tried to email Jeff at Paul Evert's but the email bounced back as undeliverable, no known user. I wrote to Julien Castillo and he confirmed that Jeff is no longer with Paul Evert's RV Country. Wrote to Julien Castillo to follow up on rebate not received.

February 13, 2010: People visiting for a GSRC meeting wanted to see the new vehicle. Unfortunately, when I started the generator, it failed after about a minute. After restart, it quit immediately. Helen, Doug, Tony, Michelle - all witnessed.

February 14, 2010: Scanned first repair documents and sent to Jay at Winnebago via email.

February 15, 2010: Received message from Julien Castillo. Reply via email re: status.

February 17, 2010: Called the new GSM for Paul Evert's. Didn't reach him, but I was provided with his cell phone number, so I called that and left a detailed message, advising also that I would be seeing the District Manager for Winnebago.

February 19, 2010: Drove the ERA to Phoenix for inspection. Met with Winnebago District Manager; he inspected the ERA, took notes and will be conveying the information. While we were meeting, Paul Evert's called him. In addition to everything else, I pointed out some of the body issues I attribute to Paul Evert's and also discussed the lack of Sprinter paperwork. The generator died once while he was here (although in his car); we started it again and went to dinner, and it was not on when we got back an hour or so later.

February 22, 2010: Tried the generator at about 12:20 while at OK Salon for a haircut; it died at 1 p.m.

February 25, 2010: Noticed one of the decals is already peeling from the bottom. Still haven't managed to get pictures for the other body problems.

February 26, 2010: Spoke with Jay at Owner Relations, Winnebago. They rejected my request to replace the vehicle and insist that it be repaired at Altmans RV in Colton, CA, some 70 miles or so away. They have no idea when they'll have the parts, refuse to loan me a unit to use in the meantime, and are not allowing me to return to Mike Thompson for service. When I said I did not want the ERA to go to Altman's in Colton, Jay pointed out that the Winnebago warranty allows Winnebago to choose where the vehicle is to be repaired. No thought of the customer there - and not a moment's consideration of my request to send the district manager to Mike Thompson's to supervise the work there and make sure things are made right at the place where I'll likely have to go for service in the future. Also, no agreement on warranty issues or anything else - Winnebago's way or the highway it seems but, wait - no, can't take it to the highway when there's no refrigeration, reliable generator/ac, and so many other problems, now can I?

March 1, 2010: Spoke with Jay at Owner Relations, Winnebago. Jay is arranging for a complete refrigerator replacement and said the new unit ought to arrive this week to the CA warehouse of Dometic. Although we don't know where that is, he was trying to schedule installation at Mike Thompson, which was a welcome change from where we left off last week. Jay and I talked for a while - and it sounds like his plan is to get the vehicle to a "new" condition - but that may require missing the HD Collie show and leaving the unit at Mike Thompson, since the delivery service they use will only pick up from one dealer and take it to another (Altman's in Colton). Hopefully they'll get everything right.

I sent in the extended warranty for the furnace and for the a/c. I asked Jay for paperwork on the generator, since I don't have any, reminded him that I don't have paperwork for the Sprinter. I appreciate his position in trying to hold the dealers' feet to the fire but explained that I just don't want to be caught in the middle. I also told him about the scratch to the fridge that happened at Mike Thompson and the scratch to the door. that was made there.

March 8, 2010: Wrote to Julien Castillo after finding out from AmEx that they (Paul Evert's) falsely  tried to assert that I was provided all warranty documents; they submitted the sales form that I signed long before taking delivery of the vehicle (it had to be sent up their prior to registration) indicating that documents were received, but I was able to prove that I did not receive the vehicle until later. So, now we know Paul Evert's isn't just sloppy, they'll lie when it suits them rather than make things right with the customer.

March 9, 2010: ERA dropped off at Mike Thompson's RV Center. They said they think the have the new refrigerator. I told them to call Winnebago regarding what they are or are not supposed to do for service.

March 10, 2009: Additional pictures and squawk list sent to Jay at Winnebago.

March 14, 2010: Wrote to Jay at Winnebago.

March 23, 2010: Confirmed that there was no reply to my email and that no one left any phone messages from Winnebago in the 9 days since I wrote, so I wrote again to Winnebago:

Dear Jay,

As some time  has passed, and since I did not receive a reply to my last email to you, would you kindly update me with respect to the progress, status, etc. of repairs to my ERA?


Received a reply which said, in part:

Jay said Mike Burke and his staff have been working very hard on your ERA and have made real progress. Dick Higdon is planning on being at the dealership later this week to inspect your ERA.


Wait, I thought Mr. Higdon was supposed to supervise the repairs throughout? What does "real progress mean?" What was done, what remains, and will it be on time? I wrote again:

Hi Jay,

Do you have any indication as to what in particular has been done and what remains to be done?

As I wrote earlier, I have to go on a trip at the end of the month, which is now just 8 days away. I have to use the ERA for that trip, which will run through April 13. After that, if work remains, you can have it again.

I trust you'll coordinate with the service to bring the ERA back either to me or Mike Thompson on the first of April.

March 24, 2010: Spoke with Dick Higdon, who had a few questions and took the time to review the status of repairs with me, saying many are completed and many, while in progress, should be completed as things would come together at one time. Dick admitted that he was on vacation last week but was going to go to Altman's to inspect the ERA. Wow, so the whole week I was away and the ERA was at Altmans, really no one from Winnebago was "eyes-on" - definitely not the way I would have handled the situation - but Dick said he was helping with the ordering and staging of parts, keeping on top of the situation, etc. Dick said the technician who was working on the ERA was doing a very good job.


I was not happy to find out that the generator had been low on oil and they thought the shut downs were a result of that - as it wears the system. I reiterated that since they had a new generator staged there, it might be best to replace the one I have, since I paid for a "new" vehicle, rather than leave me to experience problems with it down the road.


I was told the repairs were delayed because one of their technicians was sick. Apparently, Altman's is not so well-staffed in the repair department (3 person crew) so the loss of one person had significant impact.



Dash appliques: one still coming up per Dick's review.

Ceiling: refitted with a pair of wooden strips added (I hope that isn't unslightly).

Battery Box: cover fitted properly

Couch: unable to repeat problem. Dick and I discussed how it "labored" (his words) - he said he'd need to operate it again to see.

TV mount: new TV bracket ordered which has a change in it. Not yet rec'd/installed.

Screens: all screens removed, adhesive removed, and being reattached. One screen was found to have a hole in it.

Rear galley shade: reinstalled.

Refrigerator: replaced. Not sure if they cleaned up underneath. I asked Dick to have them check when they check the panel behind it which fell down.

Radio/TV switch: no details but tech was in touch with dealership - a couple of things were wrong - "misconnections" in system.

Back left door repair - Dick said the area seemed okay. I told him there were some bubbles in the paint - that I don't want to have a problem there in the future.

External water pump switch: problem corrected

Ceiling panel behind driver's area: addressed

iPod cord and dash pads: will be replaced.

Radio power switch: ok    Sat. radio: ok

Louvre on a/c: missing louvre or strip replaced.


In the middle of repairs:

Ext windows: have spent quite a bit of time, tore down one, have two on order - but can't tell until they come because there was a change just about at the build date of my coach. Said the repairs at MT were good but didn't correct the "lay flat" issue - which could just be how they were mounted.

Ceiling fan: Mold in the ceiling fan? Not sure, but they found the roof vent was cracked and there was a water leak. They ordered a new unit complete.

Bathroom vent fan: in process - doesn't fit right. Dick thinks they can't change the hole but can change the fit on the roof so it works properly.

Cabinetry: bathroom cabinet front by cargo door - Dick said he had the dealership shipped some paneling so they could make the panels as needed to fit better - and so they don't squeak. Area at back which "was to me atrocious the way it fit," (Dick) being addressed.

Rear door: Velcro(R) buttonL do we move Velcro or leave it? If we remove, we have a hold, have to put rivet in and paint to match the door, etc. Dick said he suggested leaving it alone: I told him I talked with Jay about the upgrade to the door - adding the bars, etc. and suggested Dick do that with matching fabric.

Kickplate: received but not yet replaced.

Running board flex: has not been looked at.

Sliding door repair (body): Paint guy from Altman's at Colton will look at it.

Swoosh decal at top: 2 new decals ordered.

Discoloration of body panels: Might be residue, not damage - they'll have to see.

- I pointed out the adhesive/discolored area on the stove counter - asked that they clean that up.

Water faucet door - not addressed

Front sunscreen- not an upgrade as previously thought but some additional hardware to make them work better. We discussed - because paper may already be torn or have holes in it.

Table strap: assured will be taken care of.

Dick noted a dent on the rh back door - wasn't there before. We discussed the body, timing, and that perhaps they should get all the interior work done for the April 1 return and I would be willing to bring the coach to Altman's in Carson to get the body work done - maybe leave it there after my next trip.I told Dick I would much rather have the work be done properly than rushed to meet some deadline - so if that meant I got the unit back for my April trip and it would go back for the bodywork later, that would be okay.

City water fill: replaced.

Rebate Dick said they learned from sales that the rebate was based on the fact that a dealer was a participating dealer - and had to replace the ERA with a like unit - that Paul Evert's did not order a new ERA so the rebate did not apply. Dick said there was some discussion about how to rectify and that I am to contact Dale Cantrell and iron out with him. I discussed my issue as as customer, being left to set things right for something that really is between dealer and manufacturer and my displeasure with it. Dick said Dale Cantrell will have something to say that will be agreeable and, after further discussion, said Mr. Cantrell will be agreeing to refund that rebate amount.

I also discussed the whole notion of Winnebago refusing to replace the vehicle and where this leaves me as a customer which is, at best, on the last day, with what I paid for some time ago, and after all of the aggravation, upset, etc. Dick said they don't want an unhappy customer, and that's why they're stepping in to take care of things, that they don't want me beating them up on the Internet, etc.


March 25, 2010: Spoke with Dale Cantrell at Paul Evert's. He said I did not get the rebate because Paul Evert's has not yet ordered a replacement vehicle per Winnebago's requirement. I explained that Julian Castillo said my rebate had been processed when I purchased the vehicle, that I would receive the check shortly, etc. and that they were/are a participating dealer. Mr. Cantrell did not offer anything other than saying that they did not order a replacement vehicle until I said Mr. Higsdon already told me he agreed to make some sort of refund - so I hit it head on and asked him how he wanted to handle the payment. He said he'd refund the $7,000 on my credit card and I asked for confirmation to my telefax number. I also pointed out that I was less than pleased when I found out that he responded to the BBB complaint by fraudulently stating that I had received manuals (by providing the executed sales agreement) when he should have known the vehicle wasn't even delivered until days later. Mr. Cantrell said he didn't know, does a lot of deals and couldn't be expected to know the details of every one, etc. - to which I said you'd think you would familiarize yourself with the details or at least review the transaction before responding to a formal complaint. Mr. Cantrell didn't argue at that point - it seems they knew they were (and are) in the wrong - but this still doesn't settle things. Mr. Cantrell said they were in touch with Winnebago and asked for hard copy manuals to be mailed to me.  Still not the slightest apology - this dealership is some piece of work.


I wrote to Julien Castillo to keep him advised.


March 26, 2010: Sent email to Mr. Curtis at Paul Evert's RV Country to follow up on credit to AmEx. Received a reply indicating the credit confirmation was being sent by telefax. Received telefax confirmation. Spoke with AmEx representative to update with respect to status and to ensure dispute remains open for other disputed charge.

TM from and TC with Kathy Estes (sp?) at Paul Evert's to provide address for mailing of Sprinter manual, which she said may have to be ordered (said one was sent but not sure if they have another on hand at Winnebago).


March 30, 2010: Spoke with Dick Higdon, reviewed plans for return of vehicle (tomorrow, noon, leaves Colton, goes to MT where Service Mgr. knows to expect it and have me called as soon as it arrives. Papers from Altman's will be left inside).


March 31, 2010: Follow up with AmEx to ensure posting of credit from Paul Evert's. LM for Claudette Davis.


1 o'clock passes, 2 o'clock passes, 3 o'clock passes all without word from MT. I call MT, get put on hold a while, then finally get someone who confirms the vehicle is there. I get a ride to go pick it up, expecting a "new" vehicle, at least from the inside, and what do I find? That promises from Winnebago were again broken (no supervision) and the vehicle is returned to me dirty, broken, etc. Let the pictures speak for themselves - but I'll add what I learned in the first few minutes:


1. They took my 50 to 30 amp converter plug, so I have no way to plug the vehicle in to charge.

2. The refrigerator doesn't work on 12 volt setting.

3. Most of the screens still have gaps, and now, the screen mesh is loose or off between the screen frame and what it attaches to

4. Fan in bathroom - still doesn't line up correctly - they put a big rubber gasket in, but you can feel with your finger where that will vent moisture into the headliner.

5. The headliner - they made what was a nice ceiling look tacky and like hell, putting in two wide wooden strips and a lot of screw buttons - so now there are screw buttons everywhere plus these wide strips - something I not only wasn't consulted on before it was done but never would have approved.

6. The rear radio - no output to speakers when on AM or FM (haven't checked others).

7. TV bracket - missing a piece on top, now has a cable release, but wire assembly was left hanging.

8. Front privacy screen - despite assurances to the contrary, it doesn't stay together at the middle as it should. It says it did on the Altman's paperwork, but there's no clip and no way to make it stay together. Altman's did, however, after consultation with Winnebago, put a screw in each side of the paper to hold it there. So much for the replacement that was supposedly on order since January 04 - that never materialized, and despite discussing with Dick Higdon that Jay Swearingen said it should be available during the first week in March, all they did was jury-rig the old, non functioning unit.


Call to Dick Higdon - no answer, left message. Wrote to Dick Higdon and Jay Swearingen - got unavailable message from Dick Higdon (autoreply).

From: Jeremy Schuster <jgschuster@aol.com>
> Date: March 31, 2010 5:30:24 PM PDT
> To: dhigdon@winnebagoind.com
> Cc: Jay Swearingen <or@winnebagoind.com>
> Subject: Schuster ERA
> March 31, 2010
> Dick,
> You assured me my ERA would be picked up at noon or close to it, 
> driven to Mike Thompson's, that the service manager was alerted and 
> would call me as soon as it arrived; that didn't happen - and only 
> after I followed up later did I find that the vehicle was there.
> After all that time, you'd think everything (except exterior, which 
> we said would be done later) would be perfect - delivered in "new" 
> condition as we discussed - but that didn't happen. In fact, at 
> first glance, let's look at what's obviously wrong:
> - Refrigerator inop on 12 volt - cycling, making loud clicking sound 
> from under pax seat. Breakers not tripped there.
> - Rear radio - not operable on am/fm through speakers (have not 
> tested other functions)
> - Privacy screen - there is no clip or way to hold it together at 
> center - it does not "stay" as you assured me. Jay told me there was 
> a replacement, you claimed there was only a hardware upgrade. The 
> slip from Altman's says they talked to you and made a hardware 
> change - is that the sheet metal screw put in each side? That is the 
> "big fix?"
> There are still gaps in the screens, readily visible; the headliner 
> repair is terrible - not only does it look too wide and sloppy, but 
> you'll note that there are screw/buttons all over and it has made an 
> otherwise attractive ceiling look bad. We won't even get to the 
> emergency brake cover being broken or off, of finding lighting rings 
> on the floor or the atrocious amount of dust and grime (or a list of 
> other problems) - it is obvious that neither you nor anyone else 
> with a hint of experience in customer satisfaction checked over this 
> vehicle before it was dropped off at Mike Thompson. Let me retract 
> that - someone thought to wipe down the floor and spray some air 
> freshener but that's about it. So much for your promise to supervise 
> this and Jay's assurances that it would be right.
> I've only spent a few minutes in the vehicle - and again, am 
> shocked. If this is how Winnebago handles things and what it 
> believes is quality, I don't think we're going to have a resolution 
> favorable to Winnebago.
> Please contact me immediately at 562 852 5908
> Screen - driver's side rear

> Headliner - apparently they couldn't bother to clean the scrape or 
> dirt from before

> Dirt/finger or palm print

> Sagging?

> Does not look right

> Gaps in screen

> Gaps in screen


 Dings in drawer


> Screen gaps - driver's side near cab - adhesive residue visible

> Grease? at passenger entry area

> Emergency brake - cover off.

> Cover to emergency brake - left on couch


Ring off lamp


> Aesthetically pleasing? NO!

> Note- additional screw buttons now, nothing lines up.



 Screen gaps - lots of dust/grime

> Ring missing on lamp - found on floor.


 Tape residue? on window

I'm trying to figure out some other things in looking over the Altman's paperwork - they said when checking the water pump (outside) they had low voltage, so they hooked up to 110 - why low voltage? The battery was new.

Also, they were to check for the fog lamp wire from the rear lamp housing - instead, they looked under the hood and under the vehicle - that's not where the wire is routed.

More listings of miswiring from the factory.

Once again, the customer is provided a dirty vehicle with systems either not tested or inoperable. Another two and an half weeks in the shop and this is what I get for trusting the assurances of Winnebago.



TM Kathy Estes of Paul Evert's - says Winnebago has a Sprinter manual to send but they want to send certified. Have to call back to give her info on when/where to send.


April 5, 2010: Received call from Dick Higdon. I mentioned some of the problems, including the generator failure, the inoperative refrigerator (on 12v), the radio, the condition, etc.. Dick offered no excuse for the poor condition of the ERA on return or any of the problems. When I pointed out that he didn't supervise the repairs (he said he was on vacation the first week the ERA was at Altman's), as promised, that Winnebago broke its promises to me, that its representations proved false, that he did me and the company a gross disservice by withholding the generator replacement and then sending me on the road, only to have it fail again, not considering the reputational losses, etc., and after I said a bit of what I had to say, Dick characterized me as "an angry man," perhaps failing to recognize or take responsibility for his own or the company's failures here. Dick said a demand letter is probably in order and I pointed out that I already sent one some time ago, asking for replacement of the vehicle. Dick said he would be speaking with the CEO; I asked to have the CEO call me - so we could speak - executive to executive (at least former, having been a COO of a publicly traded company).

I pointed out that I felt his earlier report probably was much of the cause of the problem recently - meaning his idea that he could handle the repairs and that I'd love the coach (his words, which he attempted to deny saying today - but for Brian, one of the witnesses, piping in and saying he heard him say that) probably weighed heavily in Winnebago's decision - so rather than replace the coach, they had him continue the repairs, leaving me where I am, with a dirty coach with inoperative systems. Dick had nothing to offer other than to say that the company would be in touch with me sometime in the future.

Some kind of black adhesive(?) goo they got on the cabinets


More adhesive goo - on a different cabinet.


More adhesive goo - another cabinet (rear, driver's side)


Only partly caulked?


Roof hole drilled in the wrong place, so the lav fan doesn't sit right, and with the rubber ring as it sits, vents into headliner or inside of roof.








They must have run the a/c at the shop - because now the filters are filthy.


Privacy screen inop - still - despite being promised replacement.


Winnebago's answer to mis-drilling the roof vent hole - make a rubber gap. That wasn't done right as well.


TV bracket - missing piece - left off  or doesn't fit now after "repair."


April __, 2010: Received letter from Winnebago corporate electing to repurchase under the California Civil Code. I wrote back and asked for a copy of the purchase contract and, separately, to point out that I wanted replacement, not repurchase (sent to OR@winnebago and do Dick Higdon).


April 20, 2010: Spoke with Dick Higdon about the offer from Winnebago to repurchase the vehicle. I stressed again that I wanted to be a happy Winnebago customer and that simply repurchasing the vehicle wouldn't solve the reputational or other issues. Dick mentioned that while he planned to have me bring the vehicle to Altman's this week, their service manager would be on vacation for a week so he didn't think it would be a good idea. He asked that I wait and allow him time to go back to legal and corporate, explain that I am interested in replacement, not repurchase, the benefits, etc. and to see what he can do. Dick is aware that I leave for Aruba shortly; we discussed schedules, and his plan to be away for a couple of days, leaving the plan for me to just stand down while he tries to make something happen with Winnebago (in other words, I am not to respond further to the letter).


April 21, 2010: Received Sprinter manual - wow, there is a lot of stuff there I should have had at the outset. Wouldn't it have been nice to know service intervals, etc.


-- see emails for notes for period April 22-28---

April 28, 2010: Checked Weatherby address for any mail; received the original of the FedEx'd letter regarding repurchase.

April 29, 2010: Received letter from Winnebago refusing to replace the vehicle and simultaneously devoid of the detail I requested in my letter to Mr. Post. After reviewing the applicable statutes, I replied to Mr. Post demanding replacement pursuant to a CA Civil Code section which appears to give the buyer the right to seek replacement as a remedy. Also wrote to Mr. Higdon to follow up and get a plan in place for repair of the vehicle, with a shop date of June 1, since travels won't allow me to get the vehicle in sooner. Also pointed out some of the items in need of repair which were included in earlier but not the last email. Went to Winnebago's fan page on Facebook and noticed it has been modified to I can't leave comments there.